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PCOS is one of the most common hormonal endocrine disorders.

It is so common, that many times people are quick to dismiss any complaints of symptoms as " Oh everyone has that, it is not a big deal."

That's pretty frustrating for someone who suffers on a daily basis, and doesn't have access to treatment or information on how to deal with this syndrome.

So if you have received that treatment from people, don't worry. They haven't experienced it, so they don't know.

One of the things that has been hardest for me dealing with PCOS was the fact that it manifested everywhere! So basically my brain fog and hormones are hitting me for six, plus I have a fuzzy layer of hair that grows on my face and I have to wax A LOT. Also, I always had a horrible problem with my weight (Thanks, PCOS). I'm not talking about having an issue just because I was overweight. I had an issue where no matter what I did, I gained weight. I'm talking about drastically cutting caloric intake and doing two hours of cardio, and not losing a single pound.

Let's just say there were many nights of tears.

One morning on my way to work, I was so ill, vomiting and dizziness..... the works. I knew things had gotten worse, but did not realise how horrible it was until I weighed myself.

In the space of three weeks, I put on 20lbs.

So I took myself to the doctor, and he put me on this magic pill called Glucophage XR (Metformin) and I decided to try and make some changes:

  • Exercise 25 mins a day - (I did Shaun T's Focus T25)
  • Slowly cut out all refined sugars.
  • Slowly cut out refined carbohydrates.
  • Ensure each meal has ample greens.
  • Slowly cut out dairy 
  • Increase water intake
  • Decrease liquor intake.
  • Slowly cut out all processed foods.
  • Cut down on the amount of meat I eat.
  • Decrease caffeine intake.
  • Tell myself every morning "I can do this, I am strong, I am beautiful"
Now, admittedly the dairy was not hard to cut out because of the GI side effects of the medication. 

My love of cheese is forever heartbroken.

But as for everything else, it took discipline, prayer and energy.

And tea. Lots and lots of tea. I drink turmeric and ginger tea every day. ( That's the Brit in me- also its great for low grade inflammation, another pain in the butt thanks to PCOS).

I prayed and continue to pray and ask every day for my health to be recovered.

And for everyone out here battling PCOS. I know it's hard, but it's definitely manageable once you have the right treatment and surround yourself with positive energy. 

If you have any tips and tricks to deal with this pesky syndrome, let me know! Sharing is caring!

Here's to a healthier world!

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